Starting #travels 2016: 09.01.2016. Brugge, Belgium.

On 09.01.2016. I started my ‪#‎travels2016‬ . This time I had no flights and I did not cross any borders, but still I traveled – one hour by train took me to one of the most praised cities in Belgium – Brugge. I agree the city is beautiful. But for me the most impressive thing was The Old CURIOSITY Shop, which hold true treasures for me. I love postcards, but these are like 100 years old postcards they sell! And just 0,50euros each, seriously?! So I bought 10. Then the other funny thing was the white BlackBird caffe. It reminded me about the time when you’re 15 years old and you call your white friends also niggas (no racism, I love people no matter if they’re white, black or blue;) ). And finally I also got to know what is the real Belgium Design – no design. 

Check the pictures by clicking on Continue Reading:

Continue reading “Starting #travels 2016: 09.01.2016. Brugge, Belgium.”

Trinidad and Tobago

To start the New 2016 year, I had to finalise the 2015. And surprisingly or not, I was too busy (or forgetful or lazy) to publish my pictures from trip to Trinidad and Tobago, so here they are. I hope you will enjoy. Now it is middle of winter but watching these pics makes me warm and thirsty. This all wouldn’t be possible without the best friends in the world, so I really want to thank Travis and his family and friends, you made my travel AMAZING! Each of you! The trip to Trinidad and Tobago wasn’t only about the beaches, it was about the friendship we want to sustain and love to share!

There are a lot of stories to tell about lions roaring and parrots clamouring in the evenings, lizards living in gardens; about all the road and boat trips; about home made and street food… Oh, I got so hungry suddenly.

I wish you all and especially those in need to have true friendships this and all following years! Happy New Year!

Get to more than 60 pics by clicking on Continue Reading:

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Strasbourg at the end of the year

The last trip of this year to Strasbourg was full with experience. First of all, it was my first time in France. Yes, I know – such a popular country, in the middle of Europe and I had never visited it before. I must say, it was worth waiting for it.

Continue reading “Strasbourg at the end of the year”

Miami B[ea]ch

Miami South Beach surprised me mostly with the floods. When I was staying in Miami, it was also the time of full moon eclipse, which caused the gravity to push up the water from the land side (not the ocean side). At that day, when I was going back to hotel from dinner, I had water up to my knees even in the middle of the street. The streets were closed for the cars, no public transport. But I think this is especially big problem near the hotel I stayed (Freehand Miami). I really wish them to fix this as good as they can and I hope it is possible because the hotel itself was very nice, though rooms were tiny.

In the previous post about New York I mentioned that you need 4 – 6 days to explore the city, here you are enough with 1 or 2, I think. But this is particularly for the city! If you have budget and time, I assume to explore Florida more is a thing to do. Except if you’re really a party person, you won’t get fed up with bars /clubs / pubs / pool-parties in the Miami South Beach.

That’s all I have to say about Miami, you can only find a bunch of pictures in this post – click on Continue Reading:

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New York New York Love Love New York

From time to time people have a problem called “expectations”. Because of this problem our relationship break, we dislike our new job etc. Also when traveling, it is very important to avoid “expectations”, but in case you still have them, I suggest you to go to New York. There your problem will be solved by meeting your expectations and exceeding them, if you want to surprise yourself by visiting the Brighton Beach and Coney Island Beach, which is nothing like what you see in movies with views of New York!

Continue reading “New York New York Love Love New York”

There is no such thing “I found myself” or 2 years of Solo-traveling

The great results often come with great sacrifices – that is the point a lot of people forget when being amazed by my pictures from cities I have visited. I will leave this story of sacrifices (like being in danger or depressed) behind the scene but I will tell you what else I have learned, while traveling.

Continue reading “There is no such thing “I found myself” or 2 years of Solo-traveling”

I thought I will get hotel but I found myself waxing legs in airport at 3 am – – or my business trip to Bulgaria.

On 25th of August I left Riga to go to Albena, Bulgaria for a Social Science and Arts conference SGEM.

Continue reading “I thought I will get hotel but I found myself waxing legs in airport at 3 am – – or my business trip to Bulgaria.”

Copenhagen full with surprises – Through back Thursday (May, 2014)

My intense traveling started two years ago, at 2013. 13 indeed is my lucky number and therefore a lot of changes happened that year. Traveling started as process for filling up my free time and hunger for action but now it has grown up being a self-searching-never-ending process.

Last year at May I was in Copenhagen. There for the first time I really felt the spirit of biking but not only. A lot of surprises came across me.

First of all I am probably a little Scandinavian fun. Big streets, big bridges, big parks, big buildings. All the big things. I like “big” so much that even at that time I had these strange red sunglasses.

Also their neighboors Norwegians understand that Size Matters :)


City surprised me with following things one by one…

Everyone has heard about Christiania, which is a district where to smoke weed is allowed. If this is somewhere surprising, then for me the situation was even more exciting. In the first time I was there I got in the Pride for Legalising Marihuana. I think I even got dizzy by the air and I hope I was not on TV as I got in the middle of all this mess :) Loud music, a lot of people, a lot of weed smoke.

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But in the meanwhile the place is super chilly. To take photos there is not allowed by the way.

The second thing that surprised me was a random museum I went in. It was something about a war. They had actually built imitation of real bunkers and war zone.

The one of the things to do in Copenhagen is to go to the Mermaid. Then suddenly I found myself watching an old-school auto pride. Is it all about prides in Copenhagen? :)))

And one of my passions of course – arts. This time I found the only sculpture with lashes (now you know that usually sculptures are without lashes!), intense feelings looking to the Fate, and people with monkey faces.

This is how it goes for me – you are going for relaxing weekend and then you end up having crazy fun and a lot of experience. When you’re open, it all just comes to you. So I stay open. Thank you for this nice trip to my friend Linda, who hosted me during my staying.



The Art that I do not get // Amsterdam

Just before the Summer solstice in June I spent my time in Amsterdam. As usual – no map, no targets, no clue where to go, no tips, no nothing. Just random paths, zig zag, full battery and walking mode on. The observation is the following – I do not like the centre of Amsterdam and tourists that only have been there but have not walked at least 15min outside it do not know Amsterdam well.

However, this story / blog post is about – “what in Amsterdam confused me the most“.

In the very middle of the city I found outside market. Very old (but not antique) things could be find there, that you never find even in Easter Europe where I thought the market culture is pretty bad. It’s not. It’s totally OK. A wedding dress who already turns into 50 shades of grey with the holes in it (with or without purpose I don’t know), all other cloth on the floor within stacks up to my chest etc. Of course some sweet golden things, old bicycles and so on can also be find there, however, overall the market looks like poor people are living there.

Red light district during weekends is walkable only on lunch time – party is over, street is empty and you do not have girls in the windows all around. First walk I had on Saturday, was not too bad neither, however, didn’t feel temptation to find any nice cafeteria there. Saw some men tempted towards girls in the windows at the time of 2pm. Why not? Check the video of Red Light District here:

Temptation comes when we talk about beer. But again confusion – it is so bad overall in the Netherlands. I really don’t get what people find attractive in the White Beer, for me it is far away from real beer. Real beer though can be found in Amsterdam’s centre in Beerfabrik, where they brew the beer in-house. Just loved it! My sweet dark beer (does not sound like matching together but it does indeed).


However, to feel the real Amsterdam I suggest you to go out the centre and find the charm of the city there – I love the parks the most!

I was so lucky living near the Beatrixpark, where I spent also my good time laughing, reading, looking at sky or playing in the playground. Why not?

But here comes the main topic I wanted to talk about with you.


Of course I went to the State’s Museum. It was great! BUT, there are a lot of “buts”…. Next to the Nightwatch by Rembrandt …

… you can also find… Wait! What is it?!

For example – compare these two below. I really understand that both are arts. But it just confuses me a lot. It’s like from series “then” and “now” just that it became worse, cause to the left is old arts but to the right is modern arts.

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At the same time I found something very interesting in the motive of Christianity this time. As for example, in the last picture there is Adam and Eve. Firstly, why Eve is so white?! And then the snake is in the image as child – is child a sin?

The gratitude of my time an experience, and new questions I am not afraid to ask!

What has been behind the scene I see?

What have artists felt?

What was the issues of that time?

Why is this important?

If you have to draw one painting – what would that be?

Sincerely yours, @agneesze.

American Story not Dream

Today I started writing the diary of my travel to America and Trinidad and Tobago in September. It will be Latvian/English mix as it happens to my thinking when I change location or friends that I meet. I still have only one way tickets, however, seems the plan is creating itself slowly so will buy tickets home soon.  All together it will be month and a half in the other side of Earth.

This trip is not going to be pure tourism kind of thing (as almost non of my trips). This time I will search.

The question is WHY? The answer is not important. 

I have a need for process, for change, for challenge, for being forever lost and found.

There is always a beauty – whether you fall down on a ground or jump up in a sky.
So I want to do both.


Pictures taken today in my loving Mam’s garden at Ādaži.
Place, the most of the world does not know exists.